Monday, November 27, 2006

Super workout! And more family issues...

Well, this morning I got up at 4 -- as usual -- after a restless night. I weighed myself and was back to 112. Yippee -- I did take it easy yesterday! It's good to see the scale respond.

Then I worked out. I did PK Step, a new step workout by Petra Kolber. It was only my 2nd time doing it, and it is in real danger of becoming a favorite! The steps are so much fun! It's somewhat complex, but I was still able to get it pretty well the first time I did it. Today I worked up a great sweat and my hair was dripping when I got done! That pretty much hits my definition of a great cardio workout. 56 minutes -- great way to start a Monday!

So why did I have a restless night, you ask! Well, I'll tell you. My daughter's eating disorder/DUI stuff is not the only issue my family has right now! It's been the one closest to my heart. But the other one that's starting to get pretty heavy is my mother-in-law.

Curtis is her only family. She lives in California and we live in Nebraska, and she now has mild dementia. So she finally agreed to sell her house in California and will be moving here into an independent living facility. She is still able to take care of her needs, though we don't know how long that will last.

So the house sold after several months on the market, and will close mid-December. At that point, Curtis will have to go out there and assist her with closing and packing, etc. Then somehow we have to get her here and into the facility. Getting her on a plane may be a challenge, let alone acclimated into a new living situation in blustery Nebraska!

This has pretty much been driving Curtis nuts for quite awhile now. I haven't been much help because I've been preoccupied with Laura, and he hasn't been able to help much with her because he's so tied up with his mom. But anyway, thinking about all the mechanics of getting her here was what my mind kept going over and over last night! Well, at least there's an end in sight.

And then there is our son. Brian is mildly autistic, and is the sweetest person in the world. He is at times bothered about various things, and because of his autism he can't really discuss his concerns much. He's on medicaid, so I know we can get him some help. It's just finding the time to address his concerns! There doesn't appear to be any problem that needs to be addressed immediately -- at least, we hope that's the case.

Other than that, life is peachy keen and is a bed of roses! Well, I still choose to get up, smile and hope for the best each day. I've lived long enough to know there are mountains and valleys, and this valley is maybe the deepest I've seen.

That's why I would never give up my workouts! At least my day starts on a positive note. Just a little burst of sunshine is enough to keep you going at times like these!

1 comment:

Kaye Bailey said...

Hi Fitness Diva!

Thanks for sharing your "greater picture" of family trouble. We too are enduring the pain/frustration of an aging parent - my MIL is also suffering dementia and confusion. Add to that bickering siblings and my husband and I are about to become mildly demented! I will take inspiration from you and face each day with a bright outlook and "hope for the best."

Cheers to you!
